Monday, 16 March 2015


How does it feel to have your first book for sale?

A bit frightening to be honest. We all want other people to think well of us, and we have many subtle ways of asking the question "Do you like me?" It's what social media is all about. There are not many bigger ways of asking for approval than publishing a book. This one began with ideas about the future, but it developed into a series of stories about human universals - power, love, family, friendship, and how just a few people could change the world.

It's also much more personal than that. They say every author's first book is an autobiography - difficult to do that if  you set the book in the future! There is a lot about me in the book though - things I have been thinking and reading about since my student days. I've never felt comfortable doing things which are very popular, so I know there will be many people who profoundly disagree with much of what I stand for. I do hope though that a few of the large minority worldwide who believe we are facing a crisis can engage with my stories, and I will be doing all I can in the next few months to find them.

It's a hard road this publicity thing, and a few facebook likes, a few Google +1 marks, a few shares or retweets, they all make the task easier. Best of all would be a few thoughtful reviews.

Here's the link again:

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